Be Pro. Be Proud.

Igniting a movement to bring the pride back to skilled trade jobs.

The biggest topic in today’s workforce is the lack of skilled workers in the fields of advanced manufacturing and construction – The Skills Gap. As more skilled workers move into retirement, many high school graduates do not see these jobs as economically viable or career-worthy. A cultural perception is that a college degree is the only path
to success.

Stone Ward, in cooperation with the Arkansas State Chamber, created a licensed program to influence how people think about the job opportunities provided by skilled professions and persuade them to consider this career path as a feasible, lucrative option.

The license entitles regional or state economic development or private sector organizations to use the brand and its proven assets, including a website, and consulting expertise to launch or enhance
the Skills Gap initiative in their area.


Mobile Workshop

Mobile Workshop Video

 Mobile workshop

Join the Movement

If you are interested in learning more about the Be Pro. Be Proud. movement and how it can help tighten up the skills gap in your state, contact us today. We would love to personally introduce it to you and see how together, we can help your area provide more opportunity for your future workforce.