Ritika Chakrabarty

Inbound Marketing Manager

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Who Am I?

Favorite book, movie, and piece of music:

Book: Rebecca by Daphne Du Maurier
Movie: Serendipity
Music: Non-Believer by La Rocca

My last meal would be:

Homemade Lasagna. The more layers, the better!

If I’ve learned one thing it is:

Success is not an accident

The three people at your dream dinner would be:

Ed Catmull, Mindy Kaling, and Valentina Solfrini

Favorite thing at an amusement park:

Corn dogs!

My first job was:

I was 15, I worked at KFC as a cashier.

The historical figure I most admire is:

Maya Angelou

Best advice I ever got:

While learning how to drive: “Just don’t hit the car in front of you.”

Very few people know I:

Have visited over 20 countries!

Web site I cannot live without:

Netflix. How did I ever survive without it?!