Who Am I?

Favorite book, movie, and piece of music:

Favorite Book: The Glass Castle, Favorite Movie is You’ve Got Mail (who doesn’t miss AOL?) and my favorite music is constantly changing…but it’s usually not very cool!

My last meal would be:

A large diet coke followed by a tumbler of white wine, Buffalo Grill Cheese Dip, a medium-rare steak with a little sushi on the side and then finally polish it off with some mint chocolate chip ice cream.

First Concert Attended:

Alan Jackson

If I’ve learned one thing it is:

Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.

The three people at your dream dinner would be:

Kate Middleton, Andy Cohen and Novak Djokovic. I’m sure there would be a lot of awkward silences but I’d love it!

My first car:

1996 Mazda 626

My first job was:

Lifeguarding at PVCC

Web site I cannot live without:

A 3 way tie between Weather.com, Google and USMagazine.com

First beer:

Miller Lite…and I haven’t stopped drinking it since!