Larry Stone

Executive Creative Director

Larry Stone is the creative heart of Stone Ward. As CEO and executive creative director, Larry spends the majority of his agency time mentoring agency brands and people. An art director and design aficionado, Larry’s first job as a creative director was at 26. During his career, both he and his agency creative teams have been consistently represented in national award shows and annuals, from Clios to the Art Direction Annual to Cannes. Besides his career accomplishments, Larry has chaired the Board of the Arkansas Sheriffs’ Youth Ranches for 10 years, where he has helped grow the organization’s assets from $2 to $26 million.Larry has been selected as the recipient of the 2015 Arkansas Children’s Award at the Youth Ranches annual dinner.

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Who Am I?

Three people at your dream dinner would be:

Einstein, Bernbach and St. Paul

If you could change any one thing it would be:

People’s lack of gratitude

The one thing I will not eat is:

Chinese food served from a lazy Susan

Very few people know I:

Have never had a headache

My pet peeves are:

Spoiled children and spoiled adults

My last meal would be:

Preceded by a really long blessing

If I’ve learned one thing, it is:

There is a place for everyone, it just may not be here

First car:

1959 Fiat Spider