Danny brings 25 years of agency experience as creative director. His strength lies in his ability to take a project and pare it down to the single most important message. Then present it to the consumer with a unique twist. When tackling a job, he likes to “throw everything in a project out on the table” and put it back together in a more effective, persuasive way. As a broadcast producer, Danny spent the first seven years of his career as a writer/producer at two Houston, Texas, agencies where he honed his creative skills on accounts ranging from a high school marching band to the Wall Street Journal. Danny is truly a guy’s guy and his specialty is working with clients whose main target audience is men. He also has an amazing ability to visually plan out in detail a broadcast production and works closely with 360 Filmworks to ensure it becomes a reality.
Danny Koteras
Creative Director
Latest Blog Posts
What Building a House Taught Me About Listening to Experts
Highlights Have Always Been a Part of Sports
What The Most-Watched TV Show Can Tell Us About Social Media
The Many Hats of Agency Life
Who Am I?
The best advice I ever received was:
The world needs good men.
My mentor is:
My father.
My favorite thing at home is:
My pool and my margarita. And my wife too of course. She’s a blast.
Very few people know I:
Have a twin who comes in for me every other day.
My last meal would be:
A very long all-you-can-eat buffet
Three people at my dream dinner would be:
My mom, my dad and my wife. That way my mom could see my dad again and my wife could meet him.
The historical figure I most admire is:
Anyone of the six men who landed a Lunar module. That took cojones, my friends.
If I’ve learned one thing it is:
Nothing is easy and everything takes longer than you think.
First car:
A blue 4-door ’77 Chevy Nova, AKA “The Cop Car.”
First beer:
Probably Lone Star.
Web site I cannot live without:
I really don’t think there’s a website I actually can’t live without.
Favorite thing at an amusement park:
The biggest thrill ride there.