Happy Campers

“The most relevant part of Camp Reality for me were the assignments, which are real world samples I can provide in my writing portfolio. They will definitely come in handy. Plus, writing them was a great creative exercise. I learned all about deadlines and the quick turnarounds an agency often faces. Coming into this internship, I was excited and also nervous to create real work for clients, but with the help of collaborators and mentors, I’ve learned I can do it. Yes, it can be challenging, but it is feasible. And fun!”
Peyton Ellis
University of Central Arkansas
“I enjoyed getting to be a part of the big productions like the shoot we did for UALR’s basketball team and for Sport Clips. I also just enjoyed getting to know and learning from everyone.”
Evan Swearingen
Harding University
“By no means is this internship a marathon. It’s a sprint. Don’t try to survive through it. This is such a small window of time. Make the most of it by showing up with a smiling face and always be willing to help. SERVE. Ask not what the agency can do for you, but what you can do for the agency. Always be a student. There is never a stupid question. Try to meet with someone in each department. Say thank you. Dare to be great.”
Jack Thomas
Harding University
“This internship has surpassed all of my expectations. I knew I was going to have a great time and learn a lot, but I had no idea I would end up leaving with this amount of knowledge. I have also had a chance to network and form relationships with so many people, and that is priceless.”
Jasmine Conley
University of Central Arkansas
“I was surprised by the culture at Stone Ward. Despite all the big personalities, everyone is genuinely friends. It was such a nice surprise to see such good chemistry at work. It helps for people to feel comfortable and have the freedom to be creative.”
Rachel Ruddell
Baylor University
“The biggest lesson Camp Reality taught me was that this is what I want to do as my career — I’m sure of it. I also learned to not be afraid to ask questions or to go to someone else to brainstorm. You can’t do it alone.”
Tia Johnston
University of Arkansas at Fort Smith
“To future Camp Reality interns: Get involved with the networking events, ask questions if you have them, rely on your supervisors, keep asking questions and take notes constantly. Also, be kind to the dogs — they will be many and they are the epitome of good.”
Zach Wellman
Elon University