Brenda Fowler

Director of Print Productions

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Who Am I?

The best advice I ever received was:

Don’t live in the past. There’s no future in it.

My mentor is:

My father.

My favorite thing at home is:

Sitting on the lounge chair on my deck, in the spring, reading a book and drinking wine. Love that!

Very few people know I:

Designed the Humane Society of Pulaski County’s “Warm Hearts for Cold Noses” logo that won an Addy.

My last meal would be:

Fried Chicken, rice, field peas, biscuits and coconut pie for dessert – outside on a sunny day!

Three people at my dream dinner would be:

Actually there are 4, Vincent Van Gogh, Sting, Jacques Cousteau and Katherine Hepburn.

The historical figure I most admire is:

Sir William Wallace, Scotland’s greatest patriot, whose incredible courage and sacrifice set Scotland on the path to freedom.

If I’ve learned one thing it is:

We live in an incredibly beautiful world and we shouldn’t take it for granted.

First car:

That I didn’t have to share with Mom was a Triumph Convertible TR6, white with black top and leather interior. But it had no air conditioning!

First beer:

Budweiser while sitting on the sand at North Myrtle Beach.

Web site I cannot live without:

Favorite thing at an amusement park:

The themed rides like King Kong, Jaws and Miami Vice.