Bruce Wallace

Art Director

Latest Blog Posts

Who Am I?

My favorite book, movie or piece of music:

The Goonies

My last meal would be..:

Cream Cheese Chicken Crescent Rolls, maybe some mashed potatoes with gravy if I’m still hungry.

Best advice I ever got:

My dad said as long as you have a good name and respect from others you’ve got everything.

First Concert Attended:

Amy Grant & Michael W. Smith, a loooooong time ago.

If I’ve learned one thing it is:

Do it yourself.

The three people at your dream dinner would be:

Sara Brightman, Victor Borge & Karen Carpenter. What???

My favorite thing at an amusement park:


My first car:

Farmer Brown Pick-up Truck.

My first job was:

Working at the Experiement station pretty much doing anything that needed doing outside.

My favorite thing at home is:

Getting unconditional love from my 2 dogs.

The historical figure I most admire is:

No one person comes to mind. Is that bad?

Web site I cannot live without:


First beer:

I have no idea.