Using Lead Generation to Bring Back the Quail

Due to changes in farming practices and the urbanization of Arkansas communities, the natural quail habitat that was once flourishing is now fading. Arkansas Game and Fish Commission wanted to change habitat for this elusive game. So how do you change these practices of farmers and landowners alike? Give them knowledge. While we know that some land will never return to the uses of past decades, we can help bring some of the natural quail habitat back by changing simple practices like prescribed burnings, planting certain flowers and grasses and thinning trees.

Facing this challenge, Stone Ward, in collaboration with the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission, created a lead generation campaign geared to promote and educate Arkansans about these restoration programs. Targeting males 45 plus who owned land, targeted radio and outdoor ads were used for general awareness. However, knowing the importance of social media, Stone Ward added Facebook lead generation ads into the mix. These ads allowed AGFC to collect valuable data from potential landowners and farmers that allowed AGFC to contact them and provide them information on these important programs and the benefits to them for participating. All media gave the URL and provided useful information on quail habitat restoration.

When these ads appear on mobile devices or desktops, the target can request information, sign up for newsletters, request a demo and much more. An added benefit is that a user never leaves Facebook and many personal information fields auto populate – minimizing the steps to lead acquisition.

To date, the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission’s use of lead ads along with traditional media for promoting the Quail Campaign drove 229 leads via paid social and over 525 leads to the website within just two weeks. Through the customization of ad questions, the campaign only gathered information that was pertinent to AGFC and was easy for the target. The success of the campaign can be credited to its efficient targeted strategy and by dayparting the ads during peak active hours — morning and early evening — the campaign limited wasted impressions and lowered costs.

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