Bill Brookshire Inducted Into Leadership Greater Little Rock

Each year, hundreds apply but few are selected to participate in Leadership Greater Little Rock. We are happy to announce that one of our own, Bill Brookshire, Creative Director, will be inducted today into the Little Rock Regional Chamber of Commerce’s Leadership Greater Little Rock class.

Through his daily servant leadership, Bill exhibits the credo of “developing knowledgeable and skilled community leaders with an awareness and understanding of all facets of the Greater Little Rock community, including government, business, education, recreation, utilities, infrastructure, housing, health care, social services and more.” Bill is the president of the Arkansas Advertising Federation, has served as a board member of the World Championship of Cheese Dip benefiting Harmony Health Clinic since 2013, and serves on the Safety Committee of Downtown Little Rock Partnership.

His skillset, creative mind, and passion to serve others will be a great asset to the new Leadership Greater Little Rock class.

“My reward is to see how many people I can help develop to their fullest potential through the years we work together. “ Bill Brookshire

From all of us at Stone Ward, congratulations! We look forward to seeing how you will use your collaborative spirit to promote the great city of Little Rock.

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