LinkedIn Updates Focus on Millennials Looking to Link Up

LinkedIn is making it that much easier for any novice to link up. This week, LinkedIn began implementing new functionality and designs that are good news, not just for job-seekers, but also for college students searching for internships this summer.

LinkedIn’s new updates include a sleek and simplified design as well as search tools for internships across America. These updates should appeal to a younger demographic who may not understand the relevance or purpose of LinkedIn since they are undergraduates pursuing a degree. Senior product manager at LinkedIn, Kylan Neih, shared tips on the company’s blog on how college students can utilize these new functions while hunting for their dream-internship.

With LinkedIn’s inclusion of internship tools, millennials are more likely to view the platform as socially relevant and utilize it for networking purposes once they join the workforce.  


Senior director of experience design at LinkedIn, Amy Parnell, said the goal of the new layout was to, “Give users an experience they already understand… We’re a social network, Facebook is a social network. The types and interactions and behaviors you see on the platforms are similar.” These updates may attract an audience consisting of millennials who are aspiring young professionals.

In December, LinkedIn made their debut on Sprout Social making analytics and scheduled posting possible for business profiles. It didn’t take long for LinkedIn to amp their analytics game following this release. Their new update has not only made their interface more user-friendly, but also added some great features to Company pages, including a new layout.



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