Hector Banuelos

Junior Designer

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Who Am I?

Favorite book, movie, and piece of music:

  • Book: Let The Great World Spin by Colum McCann
  • Movie: Garden State
  • Piece of music: Always Returning by Brian Eno

My last meal would be:

A medium rare steak. Nothing more, nothing less.

If I’ve learned one thing it is:

You are here for a while. Interpret that as you will.

The three people at your dream dinner would be:

Frank Zappa, Robert Plant and Freddie Mercury.

Favorite thing at an amusement park:

The fastest and tallest ride.

My first job was:

At the student employment office in my college. I left after three days! My boss at the time gave her blessing to pursue another gig that was suitable for my studies.

The historical figure I most admire is:

Nelson Mandela

Best advice I ever got:

Was from a fortune cookie: In failure comes growth.

Very few people know I:

Love to cook. I haven’t killed anyone yet, so I might be good. Might.