Casey Rolison

Art Director

Latest Blog Posts

Who Am I?

My favorite book, movie or piece of music:

Childhood’s End, The Big Lebowski, anything by The Black Keys

My last meal would be..:

Dumplings and pork chops

Best advice I ever got:

Don’t put that in your mouth.

First Concert Attended:

Red Hot Chili Peppers

If I’ve learned one thing it is:

The Cubs will never win the World Series

The three people at your dream dinner would be:

My Grandpa Rolison, Sir Arthur C. Clarke, Akira Kurosawa

My favorite thing at an amusement park:


My first car:

1985 Honda Civic

My first job was:

Building display furniture at Montgomery Ward

My favorite thing at home is:

My books

The historical figure I most admire is:

Any war vet.

Web site I cannot live without:


First beer:

I believe it was a Busch Light.