How to create a chatbot to grow your business

Let’s face it. We were all frustrated when Facebook removed messaging from the main app and created a stand alone Messenger app — forcing users to download both apps in order to use messaging features. In the beginning, the extra app seemed obsolete. Now, the Messenger app has evolved to become more than just a way to chat with friends & family; it’s changed the way we communicate with businesses — for the better.

To put this in context, the following details how this tool can expedite faster pizza orders for a consumer, leading to more recurring purchases for a brand.  

Previous Consumer Path:

New Consumer Path using Messenger App:

**During the first visit a user would enter their location, pizza preference and billing information. After the first visit, this information is saved and will be used automatically when a user types “order pizza”

Per eMarketer, chatbots are on the rise as 43% of US internet users have used a chatbot while 67% of US Millennial internet users stated they would use a chatbot to purchase products or services. With this growing trend, Stone Ward created a custom chatbot for one of our clients, Sissy’s Log Cabin, a regional jewelry brand.

Before a chatbot is created, a brand needs to identify barriers that currently exists for the consumer. One of the barriers we identified for Sissy’s Log Cabin is gift shopping. With multiple consumer preferences, it can be time consuming for a consumer to find the best gift. To save the consumer time, our team built a customized chatbot that would automatically select the best gift based on (3) questions.  

To ensure the chatbot delivered the best results, the main framework was centered around a structured logic decision tree. Below is a condensed example of our custom decision tree:

Chatbots provide new avenues for brands and consumers to engage with each other in numerous ways. This efficient communication tool provides ample opportunity to drive consumers further down the sales funnel resulting in more conversions for your brand. From ordering pizza to booking hotel rooms — the opportunities are endless.

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