Stone Ward Shifts Into High Gear with South Central Honda Dealers

Stone Ward is excited to announce our newest client — South Central Honda Dealers. This group consists of seven dealers spanning across Arkansas, Texas and Louisiana.

The agency quickly went to work creating a brand new name for the dealers group, including a new logo, website, updated social platforms and television production.

One of the main focus points for Stone Ward and South Central Honda Dealers has been to infuse each of their unique locations into the campaign, while also cohesively tying together the overarching Honda brand.

One of these strategies consisted of creating TV spots tailored to landmarks, culture and scenery synonymous with each of the dealer’s’ specific location.

Stone Ward’s team made their way to three states and seven cities (in five days) to create these spots that will soon air this summer. Be on the lookout for South Central Honda Dealers bringing Honda Happiness to your hometown.

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