Commerce + Culture = Bentonville, Ark.

The City of Bentonville engaged long-time Stone Ward business partner, Boyette Strategic Advisors, to develop an economic development strategic plan to guide its efforts for five years. This Blueprint outlines a plan that will maintain progress and continue efforts to create new opportunities for job creation and investment in the community.

The Bentonville Blueprint was developed with the involvement of more than 400 participants that included interviews, visioning sessions, and an online survey. The Blueprint includes both the identification of seven targeted sectors for Bentonville to focus its marketing efforts, as well as strategic priorities in seven areas of focus with strategies and action items related to each.

As part of the Blueprint implementation and ongoing relationship with our partner Boyette, Stone Ward created an economic development website, Invest Bentonville, that showcases the city’s exceptional economic development assets as well as provides information to companies looking to relocate to Bentonville.

We are thankful for our ongoing partnership with Boyette, and grateful to the City of Bentonville for this wonderful opportunity.

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