The Battle of the “Buy” Button

Get your credit cards ready because shopping done from some of our favorite social sites has just gotten easier, maybe a little too easy. In case you missed it, last week Instagram announced their plans to expand their ad products to include direct response ad formats.  Within the same week Pinterest announced that in the coming weeks you’ll be able to buy products sold by select brands directly from the Pinterest app. This all follows Google’s launch of their TrueView for shopping ad product on YouTube. TrueView for shopping allows advertisers to include a “buy now” button on their video ad.

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Why the big push for these types of ad products?

Prior to these moves advertisers on Instagram had to place their URL’s in their profiles instead of directly on the ad. On Pinterest, users were re-directed from their Pin to the retailers’ website. These extra steps make it just a little easier for users to resist the urge to impulse shop and bypass a new pair of shoes that comes across their social accounts. I don’t know about you, but I’m all about convenience.

What does this mean for advertisers?

Advertisers can now start thinking of social sites like Instagram and YouTube as platforms for direct response instead of just awareness. Since directing a user to a page required more steps, these platforms weren’t always ideal for driving conversions. In addition, Instagram ads will soon be able to be purchased by local advertisers! Prior to the launch of these new ad products Instagram was only offering advertising to select advertisers.

What does this mean for users?

First off, you’ll likely see more ads begin to appear on your feed since Instagram is also opening up their advertising product to local advertisers. I know, the thought of being loaded up with ads as you’re scroll through pictures sounds annoying, but if advertisers use their targeting resources right you’ll likely discover a product or two that will tempt you to hit the “buy now” button.  Secondly, purchasing from your phone could potentially get a lot easier. Pinterest is making it possible to use Apple Pay or a credit card to purchase “Buyable Pins”. This gives you the opportunity to respond to a Pin without having to be redirected to the retailers’ website.

Whether you love the convenience these sites are bringing to your social experience or dread the thought of your social media time being interrupted by ads, they are coming. My vote is to embrace them.

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