The Branding Trend in 2015: Reinvention | Blog Series, Part II

Major shifts in consumer trends over the last few years have caused many well-known and established brands to see a decline in their businesses.  This is especially true in the restaurant industry, where diet fads evolve over night, health scares run rampant, and competition is fierce.  While we’re only left regretting our last juice cleanse, restaurants are scrambling to stay ahead of the next big thing, maintain their position in the market and stay relevant in the minds of consumers.

I expect many companies to “reinvent” themselves this year to evolve with consumer trends.  The most notable to start off the New Year is Pizza Hut.  The last major updates to their brand were over 40 years ago, but Pizza Hut knew market changes over the past few years demanded a complete overhaul.  They wanted to make a bold statement and took drastic action to achieve it.

Pizza Hut updated their entire brand: new menu, logo, delivery boxes, casual uniforms and motto of “The Flavor of Now.”  That’s a bold step, when consumer trends as a whole are moving away from pizza and to healthier, fast casual options.  But hopefully one that will pay off for Yum! Brands.

Brands, large or small, can maintain their position by going back to basics:

Know Who You Are

McDonald’s is known for their simple menu of hamburgers and fries, fast service and consistency from one location to another.  The hamburger at one store is going to be the exact same at the next, served hot and fast.   When McDonald’s began expanding their menu, it slowed down orders at the drive thru and it showed in their sales.  If a brand isn’t delivering on basic expectations, such as quick service, they will suffer.  McDonald’s declining sales over the past year have caused them to scale back their menu and offered extended, customized menu items in store only.  While brands need to grow and evolve with their customers, there is something to be said for knowing who you are and sticking to your core brand.

Keep It Simple

Simplicity is underrated.  Consumers are constantly bombarded with advertising messages and can only absorb so much.  Research suggests we see between 3,000 and 20,000 messages on a given day.  We can’t possibly digest that much information, so it makes sense that many marketers are adopting new approaches to marketing that are less complicated.  Consider how you can remove clutter to simply your marketing messages for your customers.  Make it easy for them to quickly understand your messaging and how you can help them or meet their needs.  Leonardo da Vinci said it best, “simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.”

Get Personal

Technology has made it easier than ever to communicate with customers.  Social media has changed the way customers interact with brands and it’s an opportunity brands should leverage to their advantage.  Get personal with your customers and engage with them on social media, listen to their feedback and use it to evolve your brand and remain relevant.

As a marketer, I’m excited to see what’s to come from major trend setting companies.  McDonald’s, Pizza Hut, and Chick-Fil-A have already set the tone that this is a year for change in the restaurant industry, taking drastic steps to alter their brand perceptions.  If your business has evolved over the past few years, it may be time for market testing to learn how consumers currently view your brand.  Understanding your brand perception provides a baseline for planning in determining how to move forward in reshaping how customers view your brand.  It’s an uphill battle to change brand perceptions with consumers, but one worth the investment to build a lasting company.


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