Four Best PR Campaigns of 2014

Before we kick off the New Year with new campaigns and ideas, let’s take a moment to appreciate a few of my favorite PR efforts of 2014.

4. Must love dogs:

Maybe it’s because I’m a dog lover or maybe it’s because this is brilliant, but the
bark-eting campaign is pure genius. (See what I did there?)

To grab the attention of walkers – well, really the pooches – dog food scented posters were set up around London’s Battersea Park promoting the “Bark in the Park” event hosted by As the dogs stopped to smell the special dog food flyer, the dog owners could read the poster promoting the event.

3. Where is the love?

Is it possible to watch a Coke commercial and not get a smile on your face? Yes Coca-Cola, your happiness strategy gets me every time. This past Valentine’s Day, Coke shared the love by installing a hidden machine that only revealed itself when couples strolled by.

**Personal request to coke: I have the world’s worst name for mass-personalization. I get it. There are probably 100 different ways to spell my name – “Christy,” “Christi” or “Kristi” to name a few.

So on behalf of all the “Kristie’s” in the world – Coke social media people, if you’re reading this – can we get a Kristie, spelled K-R-I-S-T-I-E? But, for now, I’ll stick with the “Legend” Coke can.

2. Ice Ice Baby

Unless you live under a rock, you’ve probably heard of – and were nominated for – the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. This campaign was a viral hit, raising more than $115 million for ALS research.

Cue the Vanilla Ice song: “Alright stop, collaborate and listen. Ice is back with my brand new invention.”

1. The tweet heard around the world

A PR idea where I get to stare at all of my favorite people (i.e. Brad Pitt, Bradley Cooper, Jennifer Lawrence and Ellen DeGeneres) is bound to make this list. When Ellen DeGeneres whipped out the Samsung phone to take this selfie, the company struck its own Oscar gold – showing the benefits of added value to any media buy.

Great PR campaigns or ideas aren’t limited to huge corporations with million dollar-advertising budgets. With a little enterprising and creative thinking, your campaign could have the next Twitter-breaking idea.

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