Grab Your Vacation When You Can

In our line of work, we put in a LOT of hours. They tend to come in waves and right now I am in a particularly busy time. When you are in the production business, you tend to travel quite a bit as well. Sometimes it’s to exotic locales. Sometimes, not so much.

But whether you are filming a bed bug treatment in the projects of Cleveland or swimsuit models on a Caribbean beach, (I can dream, right?) I encourage you to grab your vacation when you can. What I mean by that is, be aware of where you are and enjoy the moments.

When we are on a production, we are WORKING. Make no mistake. They are long, tiring days. I have to remind myself to sit down from time to time because I will literally be on my feet for hours at a time, sometimes walking through unforgiving terrain. At the end of the day, my legs are exhausted. The days can be stressful, but they are usually a lot of fun. So when the work ends and I have some down time, I take advantage of it. That could mean going down to the hotel pool, taking a walk on the beach or sitting by a campfire. These are the moments when I am “Grabbing the vacation.”

Sometimes these vacations are 30 minutes on a patio with a scenic overlook while waiting on my interview subject. Sometimes it’s a 15-minute walk while waiting for the next shot. The idea is, I have a fantastic job that pays me to go to some amazing places. I try and take advantage of it.

So the next time you are out of town on a business trip, sample the local beer, even if it’s in the airport waiting on your flight. Eat the local specialty. Recognize the different kinds of plants in the flowerbeds or the birds that are just a little different than the ones in your back yard. And for God’s sake, put your phone down and take it in.

If you are fortunate enough to travel in your line of work, don’t see the entire trip as a chore. Take time to grab a little vacation along the way and actually smell the roses. There are vacations all around you. You just have to know where to look.

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