We Could All Use A Little More Good News

I’ll confess it, I’m a news junkie. I watch, read and consume all types of news. A quick online search of others who share the same obsession turns up an abundance of apps, websites, Twitter handles, Facebook users and hashtags. But I’m feeling a little overwhelmed these days with the heaviness of news, and perhaps you are too. There is a lot going on in the world, and we need to stay informed.

That said, I believe most will agree there needs to be a balance in news reporting and most likely the reason for the rise in popularity of websites that share primarily uplifting stories such as GoodNewsNetwork.org, DailyGood.org and PositiveNewsUS.org. Even more traditional news sites such as ABCNews.com and HuffingtonPost.com are offering “Good News” sections, which is indeed – good news.

In the practice of Public Relations, we work with our clients and the media to share story ideas and opportunities and most often look for the good in the information we share. The task of PR’s sharing news is explained well by FORBES contributing writer Robert Wynne in a 2013 post for the media outlet’s website, “Firms and individuals should hire a public relations agency when they want to protect, enhance or build their reputations through the media. A good agency or PR practitioner can analyze the organization, find the positive messages and translate those messages into positive media stories. When the news is bad, an agency can formulate the best response and mitigate the damage.”

Not all news can have a positive angle. In my career, I’ve worked with a lot of both good and not-so-good news. I remember it being difficult to identify any good at all out of a shooting victim being dumped in a hospital lobby for which I had PR duty. But, reminding the public that no visitors or patients were in harm’s way during the incident; that the perpetrator was a family member and had been apprehended; and that the victim was treated with the utmost respect were important messages to communicate in order to let the public know all was as well as it could be in a negative situation.

For the most part, the PR clients with which we work have more good news to share than bad. We work with them daily to develop ways to make their good news known to others. I’ve decided it really is a life calling to help share good news. Perhaps your company has a positive message that could brighten a newscast, newsfeed or headline. And, perhaps we could help you share it. Goodness knows we could all use a little more good news.

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