How To Make The Most Of An Internship

A quality internship at a place that appreciates what one can offer is an invaluable experience. It can quite literally set you apart from other applicants when it comes time to start looking for a job in your chosen field.

So if you landed one, what now?

Be humble. You may have gotten your internship because you are incredibly good. But you are still the most inexperienced person at the place you are going.

But, be excited! I want an eager person who is willing to do whatever it takes to learn the craft. Mentors can overlook many shortcomings that an intern may have, but if you aren’t excited to be here and readily tackle any task, you’re wasting an opportunity.

There is no “grunt” work. Nothing is beneath you. If you are asked to make revisions to a copy document, cut boards to a certain size or even unload groceries from the weekly Sam’s run, guess what? Those are things that we all do too! You’ll never be asked to do something simply because you are an intern. You’ll be asked to do something because it has to get done.

Pay attention. When you are given a job, say making revisions to an art file, make sure you have done everything asked. Check and double check that you got everything right. There is nothing more frustrating than seeing that you missed a revision. Same goes for type-os. However you spell it.

Listen. To everything. You are here to learn. Soak it all in. When someone is giving you instructions, listen. When you are sitting in a meeting, listen to the way things are presented and to the language being used. Don’t be afraid to take notes. Waiters who don’t write down my order do not impress me. They worry me that they will screw up my order.

Ask questions. You can ask anything you like. It’s how you learn. Ask why an art director used a particular font. Ask what a client meant by a comment. Ask what pre-pro means. We don’t care. We love curious people. Plus, if you are given an assignment you don’t understand, it’s better to ask a question and come back with something right than not to ask and have to do it again.

Have fun. Seriously. The real work starts soon enough. Enjoy your time. It’s summer. And like every summer you’ve ever experienced, your internship will be over before you know it.

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