Millennials and Mobile: Permanently Attached

The Millennial population is 80 million strong and comprise about a quarter of the U.S. population. By 2030, projections are that millennials will outnumber baby boomers. This makes that Millennial population extremely important to marketers and capturing their hearts and loyalty now.

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And to capture the Millennials, we will have to work through their mobile devices. Over 90% of millennials have a mobile phone and over half of them have a smartphone, with almost 60% of them accessing the mobile internet through those phones. Mobile phones and the access they provide are so important that Millennials actually value their mobile data plans more than their pay TV services.

When are they looking and interacting with those phones? All the time. Specifically, Millennials spent 14% more time interacting with their mobile devices during the average week than other age groups. But it is the weekend when the phones get the most attention, specifically on social networks. Smartphone owners spend more time accessing Facebook on the weekend, with 70% of those spending twice as much time on Facebook on the weekends (41.6 minutes vs. 19.5 minutes). On the average day, a smartphone owner who uses Facebook is likely to have almost 14 social networking sessions, rising to 17.6 on the weekend, compared to 8.3 on weekdays.

All of this data points to the importance of mobile accessibility of content that marketers present online. Mobile presentation of content can no longer be an afterthought or a secondary priority. We have heard it for a while now, but the data today confirms it: thinking mobile-first is a mandatory when targeting that Millennial audience.

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