Team USA. Team Work.

Like many others, I’m already wondering what will fill my days and nights after Friday, August 10th. The Summer Olympics are an inspiration in more ways than one. But, there are two athletes that stand out and not just because they dominate everyone they compete against.

Kerri Walsh Jennings and Misty May-Treanor epitomize teamwork. Watching them play, you can visibly see that their connection and support of each other is just as much a part of their strategy as is their physical training and practice. They anticipate each other’s next move. They play to their individual strengths and don’t get in the other’s way; but, when they spot a struggle, they do whatever it takes to rescue the situation and that improvization ultimately leads to success in every last nail-biting match. It’s really pretty amazing. They have one common goal and they’re selfless in accomplishing that goal.

Kerri said in an interview this week, “I love going to battle with her. I would not choose anyone else in the whole wide world I would rather go to battle with. She’s a warrior and she gets the job done. I have so much trust in her and she trusts me so much, I feel like I can take risks out there and that’s what you want in a teammate – someone who makes you feel comfortable.” I couldn’t agree more. Like any relationship, a professional team takes time to establish and refine, but once everyone finds their rhythm, the whole is always greater than the sum of its parts. Every team, regardless of the career, could take notes from these two ladies.

Congrats, Kerri & Misty! You’ve made history with your solid teamwork and inspired us all, in the process.

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